Archive: 15 Nov 2016
EVA Narrative – November 15th

The Crew



Shiny Science Dome



MDRS Cardpost
Recipe for Deep Fried Salmon Marinade
Here is a seafood recipe that is mostly used in Antarctica and once in the ISS. Indication on how to get some included. This is about the same principal then, for the Spacey Antarctician Stir-Fried Seafood recipe posted before. This is probably the easiest recipe we had, but the hardest to have.
Spacey Antarctician deep fried salmon marinade: (for 7 Space cadets or their Antarctic equivalent)
1 packet of deep fried salmon marinade (from Kyoku Syoku) / person
1 packet of flavored deep-fried eggplant (from Kyoku Ssyoku) / person
2 Cup + 190 ml of water / person
1 Cup of Rice / person
Note: Other recipes like this will come, so please stay tuned.
Step 1: Add 1 cup of rice with 2 cups of water in pressure cooker.
Step 2: Boil the 190 ml of water left.
Step 3: Open both packets and get the inside bowl next to the plate.
Step 4: Serve the rice once it is ready
Step 5: Verse 120 ml of water in the deep fried salmon marinade container. Wait 2 minutes.
Step 6: Verse 70ml of water in the Flavored deep-fried Eggplant. Wait 1 minute.
Step 7: Enjoy.
Everyone very much this meal. It was filled with excitement and wonder. Seeing the meal come to life transform us all into kids discovering something new. This was by far my favorite meal we had so far. I can’t wait for the next one, can’t wait to see what it will be.
This meal was made by Kyoku Syoku.
Sol Summary – November 15th
Sol Summary Report
Sol# 53
Person filling out report: Annalea Beattie
Summary Title: A Glorious Autumn day
Mission Status: On track
Sol Activity Summary:
These days under the guidance of Claude-Michel, we all care for the plants straight after breakfast, looking out for algae and other incidentals. I have not bonded with my tomatoes, which is probably why one is extremely unwell. Jon and Anastasiya went out on a hypolith and soil sampling EVA on the ATVs. They were away for three hours and eighteen minutes and did five hypolith quadrats, which is a bit of a record.
Alex and Yusuke were outside on an engineering EVA for one hour, thirty two minutes with the key purpose of testing Alex’s suit interface. At the same time they checked and pumped out water from the trailer to static tanks and also filled up the ATVs with fuel.
This afternoon we spread out working across the whole research station, probably for the first time. Anu processed yesterday’s hypolith data in the laboratory. Jon also processed his data from this morning’s EVA in the lab. In the afternoon, Yusuke, with Anastasiya and Claude-Michel assembled the parts of the Yusuke’s dome in the Green Hab as large as possible, ready to set up the project outside next week. Alex and I worked in the hab.
We are eating out our cupboards until our ship comes in but still living well with yellow curry porridge with vegetables for lunch and pasta with pesto for tea, followed by Yusuke’s cheesecake. I can hear you salivating as I write these words, especially about the porridge and believe me, it was good! Early night tonight.
Make sure you check Alex’s photo report on last night’s Super Moon EVA.
Reports Submitted to CapCom:
- Sol Summary- Annalea
- Plant Report -Alex
- Night Eva – Alex
- Food report-Claude-Michel
- Pictures – YES
- Photo of the Day – Certainly.
MDRS lessons:
Everyone knows every thing but we still don’t know.
Plans: No EVA tomorrow. Soil and sample processing.
Crew Physical Status: Even. Some of us hungry for meat, but not hungry.
Weather: warm and sunny.
Anomalies: Nahi.
Crew Photos – November 15th

From the clifftop.

Ludovic from ESA

The moon rose early.

Rock anomaly 3879

Peter Edwards with laser raman in MDRS suit 3.

Drawing lichens

UK space agency Peter Edwards with laser raman in MDRS suit 1.
Picture of the Day – November 15th

Off to Martian work.