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Sol Summary – November 19th

November 19, 2016

Sol Summary Report (SSR):

Sol# 57

Person filling out report: Annalea Beattie

Summary Title: A routine but lovely day.

Mission Status: On track

Sol Activity Summary:

Busy today. We began the day with a short EVA meeting after the daily briefing and did some thinking about where we are up to and reiterated what needs to happen in the last month of our mission, in terms of EVAs.  In the afternoon Jon and I went out to sample hypoliths, four quadrats later and we were back for afternoon tea. It was a really great EVA for me, happy to be outdoors on such a gorgeous, sunny day and Claude-Michel adjusted my suit and helmet so well that it felt light and comfortable.

Jon then unpacked some new furniture for the lab. Anu and Anastasiya spent most of the afternoon processing hypolith samples in the laboratory and Alex and Yusuke went on an EVA for lichen sampling. Claude-Michel tended plants most of the day. This afternoon Alex ran a group discussion human factors meeting for the University of Karlsruhe in Germany. I wrote a bit of my blog – this next one is all about the science. Report writing, now beef stew for dinner.

No yoga, too busy, 🙁 maybe tomorrow.

Reports Submitted to CapCom:

  1. Sol Summary- Annalea
  2. Phrase of the Day – Anu
  3. EVA narrative – Jon
  4. Food Report – Claude Michel
  5. Pictures -YES
  6. Photo of the Day -Yusuke

MDRS lessons:

Outside you have to be physically strong and inside, emotionally. (Anu)

Plans for tomorrow: Day off tomorrow, its my birthday!

Crew Physical Status: Very well.

Weather: Sunny and chilly.

Anomalies: Suddenly, a turkey arrived for Thanksgiving! That is unusual.