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Sol Summary – Deecmber 1st

December 1, 2016

Sol Summary Report (SSR):


Person filling out report: Annalea Beattie

Summary Title: The first day of December.

Mission Status: on track

Sol Activity Summary:

Today Anushree, Anastaysia and I went out on an EVA for hypolith sampling. It was very  chilly but for me it was one of the loveliest field trips ever, in spite of a number of anomalies. We had our lunch in the Pressurised Exploration Vehicle aka the Ford F150. Then we took soil samples for halophiles and found hypoliths in a field of sparkling gypsum. I spent most of my time half way up the cliffs drawing honeycomb weathering on sandstone boulders that have been colonised by my favourite black lichens polysporina cyclocarpa. (so happy, if only I could do this every day). On our return I gave my drawing to geologist Jon to annotate as blind data.

Meanwhile at home, Deimos, our second electric rover arrived.

And XO Yusuke was Acting Commander today. This afternoon he worked on a 3D drawing of our hab. Claude-Michel worked on plants and wrote reports. Alex worked on his spacesuit interface and wrote up yesterday’s oddity as a report (see Alex’s post on this unusual circumstance). Jon Clarke worked on petrography, looking at fossil sponges and oolitic limestones (and please see Jon’s report on gravels.) Quite a few of us have showered now and everything is smelling great, including Jon Clarke’s pasta dinner. Early night.


Reports Submitted to CapCom:

  1.   Sol Summary- Annalea
  2.   Science Report- Jon
  3.   Anomaly Report – Alex
  4.   3D Report – Yusuke
  5.  Pictures – Anastasiya
  6.   Photo of the Day – yes


MDRS lessons:  Words of wisdom from Anu

Questions and answers are both separate. An answer is in its own place but the question does not meet the answer. They both are incomplete without meeting each other. Now, how to bridge the gap? Life can do that only if this gap is supposed to be bridged…


Plans for tomorrow: Indoor day tomorrow processing samples all day.

Crew Physical Status: Excellent. Clean.

Weather: Very chilly, no wind.

Anomalies: Something green is growing up through the sink hole in the bathroom.