Sol Summary – December 6th
Sol Summary Report (SSR):
Person filling out report: Annalea Beattie
Summary Title: Laminated Gypsum Kinks on our EVA today.
Mission Status on track:
Sol Activity Summary:
We began the day as a crew caring for our plants. The green life on the rocks on my pot is increasing in spite of treatment but my tomatoes have seven small fruits which I will never see grow to fruition. Yusuke and Claude-Michel continued with the plant systems work, configuring and installing eight new rangers for the smartpots. Alex wrote all day.
Meanwhile, me, Jon, Anastaysia and Anu went out this morning on an EVA to sample gypsum, which was highly successful with three different kinds of gypsum sampled from the same period but from different formations. I drew laminated gypsum kinks which I have never seen before and did some pencil rubbings of early Jurassic worm trails on ripples preserved in sandstone. It was great to be outside, very cold but lovely.
We came home, wrote reports and then downloaded, resized and named our photo images for Cap Com. All of us then did the three IMBP human factors tests, then wrote Polina’s diary, then the science field notes from today’s EVA.
It’s dark now and Claude-Michel is cooking dinner. We are on the countdown with our food supplies but still had a lovely rice meal and Anastasiya’s chocolate pudding and Yusuke’s sweet red bean paste for dessert. Tonight, episode three of National Geographic’s Mars series (which does have a Nick Cave song and him singing as the opening musical theme).
Reports Submitted to CapCom:
- Sol Summary- Annalea
- EVA narrative – Jon
- Food report- Claude-Michel
- Pictures – Anastasiya
- Photos of the Day – yes
Words of wisdom today from Jon :
Don’t judge people by the bushiness of their eyebrows.
Plans for tomorrow: Cleaning and writing.
Crew Physical Status: Good
Weather: Really cold
Anomalies: no