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Sol Summary – December 4th

December 4, 2016

Sol #72

Person filling out report: Shannon Rupert, Mars 160 Backup Crew
Biologist, currently stationed on the tiny Mars Outpost near MDRS

Summary Title: Only the lonely…

Mission Status: The real crew is currently enjoying a well-deserved
day of rest.  For the first time during this mission, this also means
a day off from reportage.  I will be your solo crewmember, albeit a
Marsnaut who has not actually flown on this Mission, for COMMS this

Sol Activity Summary:  I began my day at 6 am answering emails and
working on crew documents for the upcoming field season, then at 11:50
am conducted a short EVA by rover (Deimos) to the site of our first
field trial.  I was almost there when I met a couple from Ohio.  We
had a nice talk, mostly about MDRS, and I mentioned I had a telecon at
1 pm.  They told me it was 12:45 pm.  So I did not get a chance to do
the fieldwork as apparently I read the clock wrong and thought I had
an extra hour but I didn’t. Off I went in a hurry back to my Mars
Outpost, jumped in the PEV and off I went to my meeting of the MDRS
Management Team.  A telephone line is currently in the works, but
until then I need to go to my “office” up near the main highway in
order to conduct calls.  The meeting was productive and two hours
later I was back home.  My plan now is to spend the rest of the night
writing a single report, to be submitted tonight during COMMS, about
the history of the Mars 160 mission.  To answer the question I was
asked today, “No I do not have a weekly day off”.   My work is my
life, and vice versa.

Reports Submitted to CapCom:

1.   Sol Summary- Shannon

2.   Mars 160 History Report with photos– Shannon

MDRS lessons:  Words of wisdom from Jack, Mars dog

Never ride when you can run.

Plans for tomorrow:  I personally am going to Bicknell to pick up the
HabCar if the repairs are complete.  Not sure about those slackers
across the way.

Crew Physical Status: A little overweight or a couple inches too
short, not sure which.

Weather: Really nice, sunny and calm, although it is clearly winter
now in the temperature department.  I am wearing my down jacket most
days now.

Anomalies: This report is an anomaly.