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Sol Summary – November 29th

November 29, 2016

Sol Summary Report (SSR):

Sol# 67

Person filling out report: Annalea Beattie

Summary Title: A Day of Ooids.

Mission Status on track:

Sol Activity Summary:

We did the plant care after breakfast and our pace rarely slowed the whole day, a steady working day of one thing after another, just the way we like it.

Our water supply is low again and we are super-careful, no showers, the pump is off unless we need water for cooking or drinking. Claude-Michel monitors levels twice a day and gives a reading to Ken, Capcom Coordinator and Alex, our commander.

Claude-Michel uses the second measure to calculate the average water consumption which tells him the amount of litres the static tank outside contains and the days we can last without resupply.

Late morning Claude-Michel and Yusuke modified the electric vehicle, and Anushree and Jon went off on a hypolith and lichen sampling EVA in the morning, Yusuke as HabCom. They did four quadrats and found some unusual lichens and some oolites. In the afternoon Yusuke, Claude Michel, Anastasiya, Alex, Jon and I all of us wrote reports. At four there was the debriefing of Dome Project. Fast yoga to Alex’s nineties mix. Hot red curry for dinner and now Episode 3 of National Geographic’s Mars series.

Reports Submitted to CapCom:

  1.   Sol Summary- Annalea
  2.   Space Dictionary- Jon
  3.   3D Creative Report -Yusuke
  4.   Phrase of Day – Anu
  5.  Pictures – Anastasiya
  6.   Photo of the Day – yes


MDRS lessons:  ( Words of Wisdom from Yusuke)

 (If the rock is not green, it makes me happy. White is beautiful.)

Plans for tomorrow: No EVA’s planned while we catch up on processing samples .

Crew Physical Status: well.

Weather: Chilly and sunny

Anomalies: no