Sol Summary – November 23rd
Sol Summary Report (SSR):
Sol# 61
Person filling out report: Annalea Beattie
Summary Title: Planning Ahead
Mission Status: On track
Sol Activity Summary:
Today Jon and Anushree successfully exited the hab on an EVA and did four hypolith quadrants plus found some very bright green lichens we have heard about from Shannon but have never seen. I wrote and wrote. Anastasiya wrote and wrote.
Yusuke and Alex worked on the ATV and pumped in the water.
Claude-Michel pollinated tomato plants plus plant reports and made gnocchi (with the help of Yusuke) for thanksgiving tomorrow. It took him hours and it looks really fine. I cooked dinner/ tuna patties with dill from our plants. Thank you for your sacrifice, Jon Clarke.
Reports and reading. Tonight we will see the second episode of National Geographic Mars. Its dark outside now- another day on Mars nearly over.
Reports Submitted to CapCom:
- Sol Summary- Annalea
- Science report- Jon
- Anastasiya – Journalist report
- Claude- Michel – Food Inventory
5. Pictures – Anastasiya
6. Photo of the Day – yes
MDRS lessons: Exhaustion is the second name of EVA!
Plans for tomorrow: EVAs planned.
Crew Physical Status: Excellent.
Weather: Sunny, drying out.
Anomalies: Today is the day for our ship to come in. To make sure we understand what’s required in the next few weeks, this morning Shannon asked us to plan ahead 20 days of menus. We tried to improvise and work it out. We sat down together and planned the ingredients for cooking six meals each for the final days of our mission then Yusuke compiled all the amounts and the information needed to order the amounts of food required. But actually, we seem to have asked for enormous amounts of food in some areas. We kind of got it and kind of didn’t.