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Sol Summary – November 13th

November 13, 2016

Sol Summary Report (SSR):

Sol# 51

Person filling out report: Annalea Beattie

Summary Title: Almost the supermoon and a great day off.

Mission Status: On track

Sol Activity Summary:

Pancakes always on our day off, and eggs, sausages, coffee.

On his day of rest today Yusuke got in touch with his inner plant as he spent some time soaking up the sun through the round window in close proximity with Heather Hava’s smartpot project. He found he related especially well to the dark purple mizuna, performing a special botanical mind meld between human and plant. Meanwhile, Jon Clarke is protecting his coriander and dill from others (and says he is beginning to understand the American right to bear arms). Anastaysia and Alex ground up gypsum and baked it to make plaster. We all had a relaxing morning and this afternoon, please see below, an anomaly.


  1. Sol Summary – AB
  2. Space Dictionary – Jon
  3. Food Report – Claude- Michel
  4. Seasons of Mars Report-Yusuke
  5. Pictures – Anastasiya
  6. Photo of the Day –

MDRS lessons:

  1. Go green, dont fight it.

Plans: Hypolith EVA tomorrow

Crew Physical Status: very rested and relaxed today.

Weather: warm and sunny.

Anomalies:  This afternoon we were invited to the Canadian Space Agency camp for a group photo with all of our neighbours – the Canadians (CSA) along with the British Rover Trials team (MURFI) and (DLR) the team from German Rover trials.

This meant we had to break sim for an hour.

Although we were initially reluctant, it was really so wonderful to be part of such an international group, all together under the almost supermoon.

See our great pictures. Sometimes anomalies are fabulous.