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Recipe for Smash Potatoes and Ham

October 17, 2016

Food Report for 17 of October 2016.


Smash potatoes and ham: (for way more people than you can handle)

4 Cup of mash potatoes
4 Cup of water.
6 tbsp of butter
2 Cup of milk
2 Tbsp of dried chopped onions
1 Tbsp of paprika
1 Can of DAK ham
Enough vegetables oil to cover the bottom of a pan.


Step 1: Melt the butter in a CAS.

Step 2: Heat a pan with the vegetables oil at medium low heat.

Step 3:  Add the dried flake potatoes in the melted butter along side the milk and the right amount of water, while stirring.

Step 4: While Stirring the soon to be mash potatoes add the dried chopped onions and the paprika in the mix along wide ¼ cup of water.

Step 5: Open the can of HAM and cut the block in small cubes of half a centimeter.

Step 6: Fry the cubed ham in the pan until the ham start changing color on every side.

Step 7: Add the fried ham in the mash potatoes. Mix well and serve hot.