Latest Headlines:

EVA #3 – October 5th

October 5, 2016

EVA #03
Yusuke, Claude-Michel, Anastasiya
Cross Training for Lichens Scout
1) 12S-0518268-4250657
2) 12S-0518319-4250626
3) 12S-0518513-4250678
4) 12S-0518531-4250715
Field note:
The Purpose of this EVA is Yusuke’s Cross Training for Lichens Scout. EVA#03 crew had traced exactly same track of EVA#02, Anushree and Jon had yesterday. Anushree gave great lecture of “What is Lichens?” before EVA. Claude-Michel navigated the team by GPS Apps “iHikeGPS”. Anastasiya filmed some scenes of EVA. Yusuke had a great inspiration from the shape of the extremophiles of “Site1”.
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