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October 21, 2016

Today is Shannon’s birthday.

For this occasion I wanted to cook something special. I chose something Frenchy and delicious for the breakfast. I decided to try croissants. The recipe is not that complicated, but it takes a lot of time (most of it is for dough resting). Also the limited cooking tools we have make the task uneasy.


The dough was prepared the day before and put in the fridge over night. I woke up a bit earlier to spread the dough, cut it in triangles, roll them and bake them.

To add a little of Parisian ambiance, I put some French music. Jean-Jacques Goldman was in the air this morning! Some coffee, some tea, a bit of strawberry jelly and scrambled eggs prepared by Anastasiya and we had a wonderful breakfast.


The croissants were still warm when we degusted them. For a first try it was a good one. I cannot wait for the next time. So too my crewmates!


What? I forget to give the recipe?! It is a French secret 😉