Commander’s Log – October 17th
UTC Date: October 17th 2016
Crew status
Morale: Optimal (method of assessment: counting daily laughs), decreasing tendency
Health: No serious issue, happy to go to bed at around 9PM
Workload: House keeping tasks excluded, indoor physical exercise excluded, reports included, we work at least 9h a day.
Personal status
Health: Concerned, lost more than 2kg of mass since my arrival, usually very tired starting in the afternoon
Workload: Mission and private related tasks keep me busy/worried all day long
Food: Ok
Water: Ok, two tanks full, no refill expected before the 26th
Laboratory hardware: Missing (to be arrived this week)
Med kit: Incomplete (see Annalea/HSO requests)
Connectivity: Unreliable, hardware needs to be upgraded although we manage pretty good our data allowance
Personal notes
Until Sol 11, my management was loose. I trusted each crew member to take responsibility to move on their respective projects as efficiently as possible.
Due to unsatisfactory of progress on the projects, I have adjusted my management since Sol 12. Now we have:
- Daily briefing to be aware of individual agenda. Special care is given to the shared resources needed on each tasks.
- Daily debriefing to monitor what tasks have been successfully conducted and which did not. From what I have seen this week, 90% of the scheduled tasks are conducted, 9% are not due to lack of time (unrealistic agenda) and postpone to the day after, 1% are not because of fatigue.
- Yusuke/XO is managing internal minor issues and report me the major ones.
- Annalea/HSO (starting this week) will be conducting weekly (on Friday and Saturday) individual interviews to monitor health crew.
- Claude-Michel/CE deals with engineering issues meaning: resolving problems, identifying causes, do what is necessary to suppress the identified causes.
I made a rooky mistake.
My mistake was to under estimate the importance of a recurrent issue and lack of awareness of the necessity for this issue to be resolved. The issue was related to several causes that prevent me to assess the real situation.
The consequences were: waste of time, communication loss, break down and very late working.
Aftermath, I apologize to the concerned crew member, I will remember that lesson to make sure that this will not happen again. I have shared this with Yusuke/XO, since he deals with internal issues.